Author: andrea schittino

Is there a mobile app for iCorsi? #2

If you want to access iCorsi on your mobile devices, you can use the official Moodle app, available for Android and iOS. You can download it from here: Google Playstore: AppleStore: To configure it, you will just need to

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How can I post a message in a forum?

Some courses contain spaces for online discussions - forums. To start a new discussion in a forum enter the forum and follow the steps below: Click on the button Add discussion topic. Write your message; you can also add an

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How can I create a new course on iCorsi?

Normally at USI, courses are created automatically. In any case, to manually create a course on iCorsi, you first have to ask the iCorsi contact person in your faculty/department (see Please send him/her an e-mail, specifying the course title,

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