Tag: Amanote

How do I use Amanote?

(1) Click on the Amanote icon next to the file you want to take notes on.  In this case it is a PDF file.   (2) Click on "Annotate".     This opens the application showing the material uploaded by

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How do I activate Amanote on my course?

(1) Click on "More" on the course menu. (2) Click on "Filters".     (3) Activate the Amanote status by selecting "On" in the drop-down menu. (4) Click on "Save changes".     The Amanote icon will automatically appear next

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What is Amanote?

Amanote is a tool integrated in iCorsi that allows students to take notes directly on files uploaded by the teacher. You can work on the file by highlighting text, inserting drawings, graphs, codes, maths formulas and much more. In addition,

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