Author: Anda Andrijanic

How do I get access to Wooflash?

To access Wooflash, go to the webstite, click on "Log in" at the top right (or "Create an account" if you are accessing it for the first time), then click on the Microstoft logo and enter your USI credentials.

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Can I make a copy of an H5P activity?

To make a copy of an H5P activity, you need to access the content bank section from the More dropdown: Click into the H5P activity and from the More dropdown select "Copy content": You can name the copy however you

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What is Wooflash?

Wooflash is an online platform that relies on cognitive science to help you give students a more personal and efficient learning process through the creation of an online course with a series of questions that students can use when studying,

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